March 03, 2012

I'm back!

Hello everyone! Now I'm back! Final exam is over and I'm waiting for the results and judgment day is on Monday. I know I can do it! *fingers crossed*. So anyway I've been busy with on-call duty to be able to complete my cases in the OR (Operating Room) and DR (Delivery Room). I'm kind of excited and at the same time anxious because I don't know what will happen on Monday. Please let me graduate! 

By the way thanks to all those who still visit my site even though I haven't visited them back. Anyways I wanted to share something... I SMS someone last night and I was saddened by the reply. He asked me who am I. Meaning he deleted my number. That was harsh.. So I didn't replied back, maybe I should not SMS him again ever. So that's it for now.. :)

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